I construct texts as maps with which to encounter aliveness.
A lot of my texts are meant to be performed live. As a theatremaker I compose with the total theatrical apparatus - looking for the holistic and formal ways image, bodies, movement, colour, time, sound, ritual, & environment convey story. Rather than just authoring language, I envision visceral productions, landscapes, and theatrical worlds.
If reading my play texts is your only option, the best way to read my plays (or any play), is out loud so the language can hurl through your body like a pack of wild dogs. When we meet plays out loud, through body, mind, & voice in spacetime, we remember performance is a collective game of make believe we choose to play with each other. Just like living.
Some of my latest texts are meant to be listened to, or read in a book.
I write to remember that in any given moment many lives & worlds are possible. At my core I am a formalist who likes a good tale.