Just a Trick
Part of the national TRANSFORMATIONS project, Just a Trick was commissioned by TO Live as a response to the question: What would it take to transform our society for the betterment of all?
Rolling with this question, posed by artist David Yee, Susanna Fournier and ted witzel created this short trick born from their longing for the magic worlds theatre conjures and a desire to make the brutality of money, and our normalization of it, strange.
Economics is the playing field on which all oppressive systems are enacted; without economic justice there is no chance for any other justice.
Written by Susanna Fournier. Directed by ted witzel. From and original idea co-created by Susanna Fournier and ted witzel. Video design and editing by Chet Tilokani. Sound Design and editing by Lendl Barcelos. Featuring: Diane Flacks, Guillermo Verdecchia, Khadijhah Roberts-Abdullah, Richard Lam. Production Design by ted witzel and Susanna Fournier. Maquette and Tiny Objects by Shawn Kerwin.
Just a Trick was created in Tkaròn:to, a city that is home to people from all over the world and many First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples. Tkaròn:to is located on the ancestral lands and waterways of the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat, and the Anishinaabe peoples, including the Mississaugas of the New Credit. We offer this story to this land’s past, present, and future.